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Library Fines

Lost and Damaged Book Fines

  • If you are needing to pay a lost or damaged book fine, please follow these steps:
    • Please click on the link below and you will be directed to RevTrak.
    • Select RevTrak -  Parent/Student.
    • Create a new account, login, and you will be taken to the RevTrak homepage.
    • Select Rusk Elementary.
    • On the left side, select Rusk Library.
    • Fill in the fine amount.
    • Fill in the following information to the comment box:  Student Name, Student ID#, and Book Title.
  • Please note that a small service fee will be charged for the convenience of paying online.
  • If you do not have a credit card or would prefer not to pay online, please reach out to the librarian to discuss an alternative form of payment.
